What a Wonderful World | Geography Series Nonfiction

This fall’s geography books offer something for everyone, including country introductions for young readers, in-depth resources for older readers, and basic geography concepts suitable for all ages.


This fall’s geography books offer something for everyone, including country introductions for young readers, in-depth resources for older readers, and basic geography concepts suitable for all ages. These latest releases have colorful, attractive pages that supplement the well-written text. While most books focus on world exploration and cultural awareness, a few series are devoted to understanding maps, the national parks, and learning about different types of communities. Overall, this season has an abundance of great titles that will enhance any collection.



Anderson, Shannon. Argentina.ISBN 9798886874280.
––––. Cuba.ISBN 9798886874297.
––––. Spain.ISBN 9798886874327.
––––. Sweden.ISBN 9798886874334.
Davies, Monika. Peru.ISBN 9798886874303.
––––. South Sudan.ISBN 9798886874310.
––––. Thailand.ISBN 9798886874341.
––––. Ukraine.ISBN 9798886874358.
ea vol: 24p. (Countries of the World). Bellwether Media/Blastoff! Readers. Aug. 2023. Tr $26.95.
K-Gr 2–In easy-to-read text, “Countries of the World” offers young researchers basic information about countries worldwide. Each book covers the geography, weather, landscapes, animals, languages, foods, celebrations, and culture of a specific country. On each page, color photos and simple text bubbles pop against a colorful background. Overall, the books are visually appealing and simple for young readers. Each book contains a table of contents, index, glossary, further readings, and a list of facts that provide an overview of the country and its people. VERDICT An eye-catching series with an abundance of simple facts that will be a great resource for young readers.

Boothroyd, Jennifer. We Live in a State.ISBN 9798888220610.
––––. We Live in the City.ISBN 9798888220603.
––––. We Live in the Country.ISBN 9798888220627.
––––. We Live on a Planet.ISBN 9798888220634.
ea vol: 24p. (Where We Live). Bearport Publishing/Bearcub Books. Aug. 2023. Tr $26.99.
PreS-Gr 1–Perfect for young students learning about their communities, “Where We Live” teaches children about the physical size, basic governance, and community interactions within a city, state, country and planet. Large photos featuring people of varying skin tones and brightly colored backgrounds accompany the bold text on each spread. The concepts are kept very simple for younger students. A table of contents, glossary, index, read more, and online learning are all included. VERDICT An excellent addition for libraries seeking to enhance their collections about communities.

Read With You. A Day in Athens.Sept. 2023. ISBN 9798886185737.
––––. A Day in Bangkok.Sept. 2023. ISBN 9798886185706.
––––. A Day in Barcelona.Sept. 2023. ISBN 9798886185720.
––––. A Day in Boston.Sept. 2023. ISBN 9798886185713.
––––. A Day in Cairo.Oct. 2023. ISBN 9798886185690.
––––. A Day in London.Oct. 2023. ISBN 9798886185140.
––––. A Day in Quito.Oct. 2023. ISBN 9798886185744.
––––. A Day in Singapore.Oct. 2023. ISBN 9798886185133.
ea vol: 36p. (City Explorer). Read With You. Tr $15.59.
PreS-Gr 3–With this series, readers embark on a journey to the world’s major cities alongside two engaging narrators: a travel photographer and her dedicated research companion. Together, they delve into iconic landmarks and traditional cuisines, offering insightful details and rich historical context. The pages draw readers in with simple, colorful illustrations and detailed photographs. This series broadens young children’s global awareness and introduces them to potential future travel destinations. Each book concludes with thought provoking questions and interactive activities. VERDICT A highly recommended purchase for travel and geography collections that serve young children.

Phillips-Bartlett, Rebecca. Australia.ISBN 9781538288283.
––––. India.ISBN 9781538288375.
––––. South Africa.ISBN 9781538288436.
––––. United States.ISBN 9781538288498.
Redshaw, Hermione. Brazil.ISBN 9781538288313.
––––. France.ISBN 9781538288344.
––––. Italy.ISBN 9781538288405.
––––. Spain.ISBN 9781538288467.
ea vol: 24p. (Travel the World!). Gareth Stevens. Aug. 2023. Tr $24.27.
PreS-Gr 3–In this series, readers will join a young narrator on a road trip through a particular country, visiting approximately 15 significant locations along the way. Each location is colorfully illustrated in the background of the page, accompanied by several photographs and a concise, informative paragraph. Titles provide a fantastic avenue for young geography enthusiasts to discover and understand countries from around the world. A table of contents, glossary, and index are included in every book. VERDICT A highly recommended series that takes young readers on an exploration of various countries.

Proudfit, Benjamin. Learn About Climate Zones.ISBN 9781978535732.
––––. Learn About Latitude and Longitude.ISBN 9781978535763.
––––. Learn About Reading Map Keys.ISBN 9781978535794.
––––. Learn About the Compass Rose and Cardinal Directions. ISBN 9781978535824.
––––. Learn About Time Zones.ISBN 9781978535855.
––––. Learn About Types of Maps.ISBN 9781978535886.
ea vol: 24p. (Follow the Map!). Enslow Publishing. Aug. 2023. Tr $24.27.
Gr 2-5–Each of the six books in this series focuses on map-related topics like latitude, longitude, time zones, and reading map keys. In about 25 pages, the books use big fonts, colorful pictures, illustrations, and maps to explain the concepts. Although the large fonts and concise text suggest they’re good for early fluent readers, some of the math or geographic ideas might be a bit challenging for that age group. With a little help from adults, these books can be valuable resources for students who might otherwise struggle to find accessible titles on these topics. VERDICT A suggested purchase where books on mapping are needed.


Upper Elementary to Middle School

Bell, Samantha. Amazing Heights.ISBN 9781668927397.
––––. The Depths Below.ISBN 9781668927403.
––––. Exploring the National Parks.ISBN 9781668927380.
––––. Historic Places.ISBN 9781668927427.
––––. Monuments to Remember.ISBN 9781668927441.
––––. Nature’s Monuments.ISBN 9781668927434.
––––. Park Life from Dinosaurs to Prairie Dogs.ISBN 9781668927458.
––––. Rarest Places.ISBN 9781668927410.
ea vol: 32p. (National Park Adventures). Cherry Lake Publishing/Cherry Lake Pr. Aug. 2023. Tr $32.07.
Gr 3-6–Categorized by topic rather than location, each of the books in this series, except for the introductory title, explores one characteristic of the national parks. Five parks are explored in each book, with three colorful, photo-filled pages dedicated to each. Topics such as wildlife, land formations, or historical monuments are detailed, bringing a unique perspective to each parks’ distinctive features. Students and travelers will both find these titles incredibly informative. Each title includes a table of contents, index, glossary, further resources and an activity. VERDICT A welcome addition to any collection, this fresh approach to the wonders of our national parks is both informative and beautiful.


Upper Middle School to High School

Harts, Shannon. Nepal.ISBN 9781502663269.
Haynes, Danielle. Kenya.ISBN 9781502663245.
Keppeler, Jill. South Africa.ISBN 9781502663306.
Nevins, Debbie. Nigeria.ISBN 9781502663283.
––––. Türkiye.ISBN 9781502663320.
Shea, Therese M. Zimbabwe.ISBN 9781502663344.
ea vol: 144p. (Cultures of the World). Cavendish Square. Aug. 2023. Tr $49.21.
Gr 6 Up–This in-depth research series looks at major features of various countries. With chapter headings such as History, Economy, Geography, Art, Language, and more, this series is ideal for students’ research projects. Don’t put this in juvenile collections though. The content is academically advanced and nuanced, making it ideal for middle and high school students’ comprehensive geography projects as well as a great sources for unique cultural facts, such as the history of a language dialect. This is a text-heavy volume, but beautiful pictures, illustrations, and graphics accentuate the text. A table of contents, index, list of statistics and facts, time line, glossary, further readings, bibliography, and maps provide quick references for researchers. VERDICT An extensive and attractive series for serious geography researchers.


The seven reviewed series provide a window into countries around the world and the core knowledge needed to study geography. Collections for young readers will benefit from “Travel the World” (Gareth Stevens) and “City Explorer” (Read With You). Young readers will expand their knowledge with the fact-based series “Countries of the World” (Bellwether), which is ideal for initial country studies. For more advanced scholars, “Cultures of the World’’ (Cavendish) provides all the information a researcher would need for a detailed country study or contributing facts for social, political, or historical projects. For parks enthusiasts, “National Park Adventures” (Cherry Lake) brings a new approach to the topic by addressing similar aspects of the parks rather than devoting individual titles to each locale. Rounding out the season are two series on basic geography: “Where We Live” (Bearport) will teach little ones about cities, states, countries, and the planet, while “Follow the Map” (Enslow) will teach elementary school students about latitude, longitude, time zones, and other map-related concepts. Each geography series this fall is a worthy purchase that will have readers satisfied with their selection.




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