The Three Water Drop Brothers

Enchanted Lion. Mar. 2021. 40p. Tr $16.95. ISBN 9781592703234.
Gr 1-4–The story of three drops of water traveling through the water cycle is shown in brightly colored illustrations and a simple story. Each of the three drops follows one of three different paths out of a cloud. The oldest water drop finds himself frozen in a prehistoric glacier. The middle water drop brother slips underground into the water table, comes back above ground in a watering hole, and ends up in a river drifting out to sea. The youngest water drop brother gets sucked up by plant roots and makes his way through a cow and little boy before joining his brothers back in the ocean. Children will enjoy seeing the different paths that water can take in the water cycle. Caregivers and educators will find this text a way to introduce the water cycle to young children. Told in a narrative nonfiction style, this story and the colorful illustrations will appeal to young children.
VERDICT A worthy addition to classroom libraries and an easy addition to STEAM/science literature activities about water.

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