Bella's Fall Coat

illus. by Susan Gal. 40p. Disney-Hyperion. Sept. 2016. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9781484726976.
RedReviewStarPreS-Gr 1—Bella, who wants to keep her too small coat, learns that "nothing lasts forever." Grams wants to discuss replacing her granddaughter's outerwear, but instead, Bella, wearing the coat she loves, "woosh[es]" outdoors to enjoy her favorite season—fall. She romps in the crackling leaves and even brings some indoors when she returns for lunch. That afternoon Bella plucks ripe apples and after supper zooms outside again to flap her arms in imitation of migrating geese. But her too tight coat begins to unravel, and she can no longer avoid talk of replacing it. While the child sleeps, Grams makes her a new one, which Bella happily dons next morning to experience the first day of winter. She even finds a surprise use for her old coat. The mixed-media illustrations feature double-page outdoor scenes drenched in autumn colors of orange, red, and gold. As day fades to night, swaths of purple sweep across the landscape, and, finally, Bella is tucked into bed with remnants of her autumn adventures reflected against blue-black walls and across her pillow. Alert readers will notice Gram's autumn-colored attire and dishes and furniture that match Bella's vibrant outfit. Plourde manages, quite brilliantly, to convey the characteristics of the autumn season simply through the protagonist's enthusiastic exploits. Metaphors for change abound: apples become tarts, geese leave, autumn becomes winter, and a little girl grows bigger.
VERDICT Delicious verb pairs such as "twirled and whirled," "crinkled and crackled," and "picked and plucked" and outstanding illustrations make this offering a treat for eye and ear. A first choice for fall units.

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