White Papers / Case Studies

At times, our sponsors make available valuable insights in the form of complimentary white papers or case studies that they wish to share with our audience. You’ll find descriptions and download links for these documents below. (All require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.)


Sponsor: Infobase

Posted: Nov 2020

Four Ways to Improve Digital Citizenship Education

Digital citizenship skills are essential, and that’s particularly true now that many students are learning online during the pandemic. Yet, a School Library Journal survey of K-12 educators and librarians across the United States suggests that schools aren’t focusing enough attention on teaching students how to become responsible digital citizens.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Infobase

Posted: May 2020

Hawaiian Middle School Leverages Streaming Media for Personalized Instruction and Highly Productive, Self-Directed Learning

Resources for self-guided learning and personalized instruction for the "YouTube generation" are in high demand. This case study profiles how the School Librarian at Central Middle School in Honolulu, HI, successfully utilizes the Learn360 streaming media platform to empower teachers with highly engaging, cross-curricular video and multimedia content for all learning levels.  

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Credo

Posted: August 2019

Preparing Students for Lifelong Success

Many college freshmen lack basic information literacy skills. To get an idea of what stands behind these shortcomings, we worked with secondary school librarians to gain their insight into the literacy gap and its possible solutions. In this white paper, school librarians share how they meet the challenges of teaching Information Literacy. Download this white paper to learn about the importance of Information Literacy skills for college preparation and what middle and high school librarians can do to improve them.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Gale Cengage

Posted: September 2018

School Librarians: Agents of Change

When you think about the role of a school librarian, what words come to mind? Educator. Coach. Advocate. What about change agent? In this white paper, administrators and librarians share how they successfully partner to support student achievement and what most influences approval decisions for new initiatives and resources. By downloading, you’ll gain access to eight actionable best practices to help make an immediate impact on student learning.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: LearningExpress

Posted: November 2017

Information & Media Literacy: Skills Needed in Today’s World

Extraordinary digital innovation has brought about a global information society and has radically changed information access and standards of authority and reliability — straining the educational and labor market infrastructures needed to confront this change. Read the LearningExpress-sponsored white paper on skills needed in today’s world to decipher information sources.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Beanstack

Posted: November 2017

Designing High-Participation Summer and Winter Reading Programs

Aggregating the results of over 2,000 summer reading programs, and looking deeper at the libraries which have run the highest participation summer programs, our data shows that seemingly small decisions about registration, logging, incentives, and other features can have a measurable impact. This report provides an overview of key insights and recommends some best practices that are enabling top-performing libraries to get the most out of their reading programs.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: littleBits

Posted: November 2015

The Librarian’s Guide to littleBits and STEAM

littleBits is a collection of easy-to-use electronic building blocks that is at the intersection of STEM/STEAM and the Maker Movement. The Librarian’s Guide to littleBits and STEAM will help you unleash your creativity with this innovative tool and give you project ideas that support learning in your library, school or makerspace.

In this guide, teacher librarian Colleen Graves shares her real-world tips for getting started with littleBits and the STEAM movement. You’ll also get real-world insights from other savvy maker librarians. Learn how to organize the Bits, guide students through design challenges, create fixed stations in your library, host workshops, build a maker community, and more!

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Britannica Digital Learning

Posted: May 2015

Bringing School Libraries and Classrooms Together

Progressive teachers and librarians are seeing the value in more closely collaborating with each other to support student learning. With the library media specialist as the information literacy expert and the teacher as the content expert, students conduct research for projects, assignments, and personal discovery with a newfound sense of purpose and engagement.

This case study profiles how the Library Media Specialist at East Hall Middle School in Gainesville, GA uses Britannica® School, one of the resources provided to her school by the GALILEO statewide initiative, to successfully guide students to the research information they need. She highlights how she has made it a priority to partner with her building’s classroom teachers to promote the great resources they and their students can access.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Britannica Digital Learning

Posted: March 2015

Using Online Resources as Collaboration Tools

Nationwide, school librarians are embracing the opportunity to do more than check out books and using their knowledge to make the library a seamless extension of the classroom. In Memphis, TN, one school librarian has found success in using online resources as a basis for partnering with teachers to support student learning and the research process across subject areas.

Click Here To Download This Case Study


Sponsor: Scholastic

Posted: October 2014

Students should GO, not Google—how the use of Scholastic GO!™ in classrooms and libraries successfully developed research skills in K-8 students in the Chico Unified School District

All students must be able to research to build and present knowledge in order to be college and career ready. In addition to researching, students must be able to determine if the information they gather is credible, accurate and reliable.

This case study explores two librarians’ experience with Scholastic GO!™ – a digital resource providing hundreds of thousands of nonfiction authentic texts on every core-curricula subject by respective experts in each area of study.

Click Here To Download This Case Study



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