Where Do Babies Come From? | Milestones

The awkward question will likely come up from a little one sooner or later. Might as well be prepared. These 6 titles explain the topic from sexual intercourse to childbirth in a way that is easy for young minds to understand.

The awkward question will likely come up from a little one sooner or later. Might as well be prepared. These 6 titles explain the topic from sexual intercourse to childbirth in a way that is easy for young minds to understand.

How Do You Make a Baby? by Anna Fiske. illus. by author. Gecko. ISBN 9781776572854.
K-Gr 4–Fiske combines frank, straightforward text with cartoon-style illustrations to explain to children where babies come from. This nonfiction book details each step of the process, from conception to birth. An informational and fun treatment of what can be a difficult subject. Readers will appreciate the humor and straightforward presentation. 

Making a Baby by Rachel Greener. illus. by Clare Owen. Dial. ISBN 9780593324851.
Gr 2-5–A book that really tells it like it is, from the sex act to birth, without shying away from topics such as male, female, and intersex genders, egg and sperm donations, and C-sections, this should be available in all public and school libraries.

What’s in There?: All About Before You Were Born by Robie H. Harris. illus. by Nadine Bernard Westcott. Candlewick. ISBN 9780763636302.
PreS-Gr 1–Harris provides facts about the developing baby in a crisp, clear text that smoothly incorporates both correct anatomical terms and kid-accessible similes. A reassuring, affectionate, and elucidating first intro for expectant siblings and inquisitive youngsters. 

[Read: First Books about New Siblings | Milestones]

Nine Months: Before a Baby Is Born by Miranda Paul. illus. by Jason Chin. Holiday House/Neal Porter. ISBN 9780823441617.
K-Gr 4–Beginning with a fertilized egg ("Small. Ball. The point of a pin. Then it divides…"), Paul tracks the gestation of a human fetus in poetic yet matter-of-fact language. A bright, savvy heads-up for younger children in growing families; equally useful for shaping expectations and providing realistic glimpses of what's going on inside a pregnant person.

Where Do Babies Come From?: Our First Talk About Birth by Jillian Roberts. illus. by Cindy Revell. Orca. ISBN 9781459809420.
PreS-Gr 1–This picture book tackles the basics of reproduction. The text is presented in a question-and-answer format that will satisfy young children's curiosity and that could provide a framework or a script for caregivers to work from. A fine, age-appropriate option for exploring reproduction and pregnancy.

What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg. illus. by Fiona Smyth. Seven Stories. ISBN 9781609804855. 
PreS-Gr 2–Intending to be "a book for every kind of FAMILY and every kind of KID," this title has lofty aspirations that are mostly successful. It emphasizes that not everyone goes about having a baby the same way. The bold, stylized illustrations show non-gender-specific people in a rainbow of hues, some with internal parts to make a baby and others without. This is a solid, occasionally quirky book on an important topic.

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