To Read or Not to Read: 9 YA Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Works

The discussion around whether Shakespeare is still relevant in classrooms today is one that has been flourishing for years, with strong cases on all sides. Consider pairing some of the traditional works of the Bard with these newly reimagined stories.


The discussion around whether Shakespeare is still relevant in classrooms today is one that has been flourishing for years, with strong cases on all sides. Consider pairing some of the traditional works of the Bard with these newly reimagined stories. 

Romeo & Juliet

Gong, Chloe. These Violent DelightsS. & S./Margaret K. McElderry. ISBN 9781534457690. 

Barker, Kathryn. Waking RomeoFlatiron. ISBN 9781250174109. 



Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. adapt. by Crystal S. Chan. illus. by Julien Choy. UDON Entertainment. (Manga Classics). ISBN 9781947808119. 


READ: To Teach or Not To Teach: Is Shakespeare Still Relevant to Today’s Students?


A Midsummer Night’s Dream

LaRocca, Rajani. Midsummer’s Mayhem. Little Bee. ISBN 9781499808889. 

Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. adapt. by Crystal S. Chan. illus. by Poe Tse. UDON Entertainment. (Manga Classics). ISBN 9781947808096.


Twelfth Night

Drake, Julia. The Last True Poets of the SeaHyperion/Disney. ISBN 9781368048088. 


READ: 10 YA Novels Re-imagine Shakespeare Works


Much Ado About Nothing

LaRocca, Rajani. Much Ado About BaseballLittle Bee. ISBN 9781499811018. 

Booth, Molly. Nothing Happened. Disney-Hyperion. ISBN 9781484753026.



Adler, Dahlia. That Way Madness Lies: Fifteen of Shakespeare’s Most Notable Works Reimagined. Flatiron. ISBN 9781250753861. 





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Harold Underdown

Why are you calling "Much Ado about Baseball" a YA novel? It's clearly middle grade!

Posted : 2022-05-17 20:07:00



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