SLJ has a new look. Here we reveal our new logo, which graces the cover of School Library Journal’s June print issue.
SLJ has a new look. Here we reveal our new logo, which graces the cover of
School Library Journal’s June print issue and was developed by Mark Tuchman,
creative director, in collaboration with the team. Thus begins a new era for the brand as we continue to evolve what we do in print and online to meet our readers’ changing needs. A new digital experience is in the works with a relaunch coming soon. The entire staff was involved in the development of the new logo. Editors as well as the executive staff, marketing, and basically anyone who walked by Editorial Director Rebecca T. Miller’s door was invited to stop by and cast a vote by post-it notes, which adorned print outs of 15 proposed designs. The winning logotype (it wasn’t even close) was based on the typeface Charlotte. Once chosen, the letterforms were subtly modified to create comfortable relationships between the three letters as well as soften some of the more angular characteristics of the serifs in the typeface, according to Tuchman.
SLJ began in 1954 as
Junior Libraries, a spin-off of sister publication
Library Journal. The
SLJ logo evolved with the times reflecting the design sensibilities of each era. The graphic below shows all of the incarnations.
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