Shorter Middle Grade Books, Please | Feedback

Here we go! Readers let loose on the selection available in middle grade titles as well as disinvited authors.


Here we go! Readers let loose on middle grade and disinvited authors.


Oh, they’re coming.


I have been wondering this for years!! A book that is 140 pages with great character development and plot would be loved. Kids are not willing to invest in longer books.


All my MG novels are short! The BAT books, the HARRIET books, and my stand-alones, too.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Can’t build reading stamina with 300 page books. And these readers don’t want to read Magic Tree House. They are a lost group of readers who may never develop the reading skills and love of reading we all work so hard to foster.


I heard this recently from a book seller as well. Bravo for bringing to light something publishing needs to hear. #WeNeedShortMGBooks


As a librarian for 17 years...we have all been asking for this for years.


Derrick Barnes, disinvited


Very informative but not surprising.
—Sara Kelly Johns, LinkedIn


I am sure many of you have, like me, heard Barnes speak and present. I must say that he is inspiring and a breath of fresh air. Go, team intellectual freedom! Hire this amazing author and make his voice heard loud and clear.
—Karen Kline, LinkedIn



That Emma Straub


Emma Straub’s first children's book, Very Good Hats, did not lead to the cancellation of her school visit by Katy (TX) ISD. Parents objected to a Tweet she had written that said, “[F---] guns.”


Whether we agree with her tweet or not isn’t the issue. We have to realize that what we post online can have consequences. If people agree they applaud and invite you, if they disagree they don’t. This doesn’t sound like censorship as much as consequences. Censorship would be book banning. Her book wasn’t banned. Her visit was cancelled because some organizers didn’t like her tweet, which could’ve been the message or the language.

@mrwolfereads her Tweet about guns was posted on the day of the Uvalde massacre. If there are adults who didn’t swear out of desperation, terror and heartache on that day, they are in the minority. Katy ISD has board members who regularly retweet posts by Libs of TT, yet they cancelled an author visit over a tweet denouncing gun violence the day 19 students and 2 teachers lost their lives. The double standards and hypocrisy are too much. 😢


If “Mr. 7 Words You Can’t Say On Television” George Carlin can be Mr. Conductor, I think we can let this lady read her book.


We were “disinvited” by a library in Texas as well. They wanted us to promise the MAYOR of the town we wouldn’t do any of our Pride songs. We sing about love and acceptance. It’s a sad time.


As a Katy librarian who has to miss out, I am so sorry. For everyone. Especially the kids.

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