CHOMP On This App | Touch and Go

It's hard to imagine an app that can rival Chistoph Niemann's Petting Zooin novelty and engagement. There's now a contender.
  Christoph Niemann's Petting Zoo featured 21 whimsical animals, each with the potential to morph into shapes and animations triggered by viewers. At the time, apps were something new for this author/illustrator/graphic designer, who, in a New Yorker article "The Story of My App, documented his path from artist with an inspiration to app creator who learned how "insanely difficult" it was to make the product he wanted. Petting Zoo was a huge success, no surprise given Niemann's talent. It was hard to imagine another app that would rival the novelty and engagement of Zoo anytime soon. Well, there's now a contender, and it's titled CHOMP. Christoph Niemann’s latest production, CHOMP (Fox and Sheep GmbH, iOS, $2.99; Android, PreS Up) is designed for children, but one that teens and adults will find as much fun—and as addictive—as youngsters. The interface is simple and easy to navigate. Niemann has provided approximately 60 hand-drawn, clever templates, each featuring a cut-out paired with an amusing animation. Users position the device's camera so that a face appears in the cut-out—either theirs or another person's. By tapping the screen an animation will begin. For example, with faces in place, a drummer plays a set; a strongman, dripping with perspiration, lifts weights; a musician belts out a tune on a saxophone; a faucet drips a photo; the head of a robot springs a gasket, and a shark chases a swimmer around and around in the water, then dances on his or her head. Christoph Niemann's CHOMP

Christoph Niemann's CHOMP (Fox & Sheep GmbH/Jon Huang)

Children can move from template to template by swiping and viewing themselves in each drawing, or can create a video of the action with or without audio. Videos can be saved to the device and/or shared on social media. One of the most winning features of the app is that children can play with it on their own or with a group of friends, creating silly animated selfies or a gallery of pictures. Its ease of use and high fun factor will make CHOMP in high demand in programming and perfect for makerspaces. A trailer is available.–Elizabeth Kahn, Patrick F. Taylor Science & Technology Academy, Avondale, LA  
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Chomp is brilliant. It is quite clever in it's execution. My kids loved it. Brought fits of laughter.

Posted : Dec 21, 2016 06:20



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