Gr 7 Up –Exotic animals have been released by the owner of a local zoo, moments before he shoots himself dead in the small town of Makersville, IN. This is probably the last thing that teenager Ronney needs in his neighborhood.

CHAN, Crystal. All That I Can Fix. 320p. S. & S./Simon Pulse. Jun. 2018. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781534408883.
Gr 7 Up –Exotic animals have been released by the owner of a local zoo, moments before he shoots himself dead in the small town of Makersville, IN. This is probably the last thing that teenager Ronney needs in his neighborhood. As newsworthy an event as this is, it is nothing compared to the harsh realities of his own life. Ronney is from a mixed-race family, and since Makersville is small, Ronney knows that all eyes are on him. That is, when they’re not on his father, who previously attempted suicide and now lives in a depressed state; or his mother who can’t deal with anything and instead pops pills; or his fourth grade sister, who is certifiably a genius but is dreadfully afraid of the escaped animals. Ronney deals with his family that is slowly falling apart, his best friend who wants to capture all the animals, and a lonely boy who asks him to take on an impossible quest. This quirky coming-of-age novel is full of hardships that the protagonist must endure, while still maintaining a lighthearted tone.
VERDICT A strong choice for YA collections, this complex selection with a variety of relatable characters in extraordinary circumstances will win over teens.
–Caitlin Wilson, Meadowdale Library, North Chesterfield, VA This review was published in the School Library Journal April 2018 issue.
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