A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the SLJ Reviews Process

In response to the growing need to defend kids’ right to read, librarians are turning to SLJ’s reviews for guidance on grade levels and appropriateness. Get a sneak peek at how we address those topics, and more, at our February 1 editorial webcast.

Increasingly, I've had librarians reach out to me for clarification on School Library Journal’s review process. These requests have often been sent because the librarian's selection of titles has been challenged, or in fear that they will be. On February 1, we're giving you a sneak peek behind our process. Some of the topics we’ll address include:

  • Who are SLJ reviewers and how can you become one?
  • How do we determine grade levels?
  • How do we decide what materials get stars?

Please join us on February 1. I hope that this webcast will be a useful tool in protecting your students' shelves and right to read. Joining me will be a reviews editor, our former reviews director, and a middle school reviewer, who often must make tough selection decisions.

Feel free to add questions that you would like us to address in the comments.

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Shelley Diaz


Shelley Diaz (sdiaz@mediasource.com) is the Reviews Editor at School Library Journal.


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