YMAs Reveal Top Titles in Young Adult Nonfiction, Informational Books | ALA Youth Media Awards 2025

SLJ reviews of YALSA's Excellence in Nonfiction Award titles and the winner and honor books of the 2025 Robert F. Sibert Informational Award, administered by ALSC.

Excellence in Nonfiction Award

The finalists of the YALSA's Excellence in Nonfiction Award were announced in December 2024.

2025 Winner:

Rising from the Ashes: Los Angeles, 1992; Edward Jae Song Lee, Latasha Harlins, Rodney King, and a City on Fire by Paula Yoo. Norton. May 2024. 368p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9781324030904.

Gr 6 Up–As news quickly spread that the four officers accused of using excessive force in the beating of Rodney King in 1992 received “not guilty” verdicts, protests and violence unfolded across Los Angeles. The city on fire and loss of life was just the culmination of years of unrest and racial tensions. Yoo explores the historical and social contributions to the riots, anchoring the narrative through the lives of King; Latasha Harlins, a 15-year-old girl shot by a Korean store owner; and Eddie Lee, who was shot and killed during the uprising. In a relatively brief text, Yoo offers a complex and nuanced look at racial inequities, the war on drugs, and policing. The impossible task of distilling years of conflict and turmoil into a condensed space is achieved with grace and representation, including interviews, photos, news reports, and more. The narrative unfolding of events is sometimes interrupted by the changing of perspectives or contextual background on a new subject being introduced; however, the overall flow and delivery of information are solid. The photos, which include crime scene photos of gunshot wound victims, may be triggering for some readers. VERDICT Yoo’s book is an important, balanced text for collections working to build digestible historical titles related to race and America.-Reviewed by Kaitlin Malixi



Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award 

2025 Winner:

Life After Whale: The Amazing Ecosystem of a Whale Fall by Lynn Brunelle. illus. by Jason Chin. Holiday House/Neal Porter. Jun. 2024. 48p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780823452286.
Gr 2-4–Little is known about occurrences out in the open waters of the ocean, but this title tackles what happens when a whale dies. Brunelle opens by introducing a blue whale and helping readers understand its size and life span; things take a really compelling turn when the whale dies and the story of the decomposition of the body of the largest mammal on Earth begins. In meticulous detail, the narrative covers the eye-opening descent of the whale’s body to the ocean bottom, and then how scavengers feast on it. Finally, Brunelle makes connections between the decomposition process and the food cycle that, when complete, will supply nutrients to the next generation of whales. Chin’s iridescent and highly detailed images are the perfect counterpoint to the absorbing text. This book is ideal for young readers who love simple, clear facts about animals or for older readers who will find the decomposition process fascinating. Educators will also appreciate the clear organization and descriptive writing style. VERDICT An excellent addition to any elementary library collection.-Reviewed by Debbie Tanner


Robert F. Sibert Informational Honor Books:

Call Me Roberto!: Roberto Clemente Goes to Bat for Latinos by Nathalie Alonso. illus. by Rudy Gutierrez. Astra/Calkins Creek. Aug. 2024. 40p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781635928112.
Gr 1-4–From his time as a young boy in Puerto Rico, playing ball with a tin can and a tree branch to a World Series–winning MVP, Roberto Clemente was an extraordinary baseball player. Recruited onto a Major League team at age 19, Clemente was drafted onto the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1954. Despite his skill, however, as a Black man in the 1950s, he faced taunts from spectators and journalists, and prejudicial treatment in hotels and businesses, which separated him from his teammates during training sessions. Over the years, however, he was recognized with multiple awards and accolades. The text is mostly clear and accessible, though some of the language is geared to true baseball fans, e.g., “he ropes a single to center field, driving in a run.” The real stars of the book are Gutierrez’s incredible illustrations; Clemente’s face is rendered realistically while vivid colors, shapes, and lines swirl and swoop across the pages, mimicking the arc of a ball or a path of a base runner. Words relating to the text are included in the mixed-media art, including the title words “Call me Roberto,” which was Clemente’s plea to not anglicize his name to “Bob,” as some wanted. Included are an author’s note that describes Clemente’s early death at age 38 in a plane crash, a time line, illustrator’s note, glossary of Spanish words, photographs, and a selected bibliography. VERDICT An appealing and beautifully illustrated biography, this book deserves a place on all library shelves.-Reviewed by Sue Morgan

The Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II by Candace Fleming. ­Scholastic Focus. Mar. 2024. 384p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9781338749571.
Gr 8 Up–A thrilling account of how teen girls helped break Nazi code intercepted during World War II. Through impeccable research and magnetic writing, Fleming uncovers the lives of young women who were recruited to live and work at Bletchley Park in the UK countryside, often leaving their homes for the first time, without knowledge as to how they would be aiding the war effort. From all walks of life and with different skills to commend them, the Wrens, part of the female branch of the UK’s Royal Navy, were sworn to secrecy and threatened with treason charges and death if their mission was ever revealed to their families. Readers are given a mix of personal stories set against the backdrop of major World War II events, such as the London Blitz, Pearl Harbor, and D-Day. The teens’ efforts influenced these monumental milestones, and the gravity of their work was not lost on them. Still, they were young women who played pranks on one another, liked to dress up for local dances, and got homesick. Intermingled throughout are “Top Secret” chapters that feature in-depth explanations of the type of work the Enigma girls (named after the Enigma machine they used to break Nazi code) did, such as illustrating the difference between codes and ciphers and how to decipher coded messages. Fleming captures the emotional and psychological burdens that these teenagers carried and balances it with detailed descriptions of the technology used to carry out their lifesaving tasks. The narrative is broken up by copious black-and-white photographs of the rooms the Wrens worked in; important figures of the time, such as Winston Churchill; the machines they worked on; and other wartime events. The work features a bibliography, source notes, index, and more. VERDICT Fleming does it again! Purchase this compelling blend of WWII, cryptography, and women’s history that will mesmerize middle schoolers and inspire them to make an indelible impact on history, too.-Reviewed by Shelley M. Diaz

The Girl Who Sang: A Holocaust Memoir of Hope and Survival by Estelle Nadel & Bethany Strout. illus. by Sammy Savos. Roaring Brook. Jan. 2024. 272p. pap. $17.99. ISBN 9781250247773.
Gr 7 Up–Enia loved her life with her family in their small Polish village before the war. It was home, it was safe, and she was free to run, play, and help her mother in the kitchen. On September 1, 1939, the dark clouds of war began to circle, and she felt the safe comforts of home being ripped away. The Girl Who Sang is a powerful story of survival where readers are given the privilege of following Enia’s life before, during, and after surviving the Holocaust, and in some ways, survival signaled only the beginning of Enia’s struggles. The illustrations tell Enia’s story in ways words cannot. Readers can immediately sense the range of Enia’s emotions in every situation, from joyous family celebrations to horrific trauma. Students with an interest in the Holocaust, especially the lives of survivors, will find this book vital to developing an understanding of the long-term effects on families. Educators who appreciate the richness of using biographies to teach history will find multiple opportunities for utilizing this title, especially in social studies courses. Although Enia is the main subject in her life story, there are many other figures whose perspectives enhance study of the Holocaust and its aftermath. An excellent accompaniment to lessons on World War II, this book will help countless students examine the Holocaust on a personal level. VERDICT A must-have. The graphic novel format will appeal to those whose first choice might not be history or biography, and all others will be invited to consider the full-life experiences of Holocaust survivors.-Reviewed by Darby Wallace

Wings of an Eagle: The Gold Medal Dreams of Billy Mills by Billy Mills & Donna Jarrell Bowman. ­illus. by S.D. Nelson. Little, Brown. Jul. 2024. 48p. Tr $19.99. ISBN 9780316373487.
K-Gr 3–As he steps up to the starting line of the 10,000 meter race of the 1964 Olympic Games, Billy Mills reflects on the hardships and challenges that he overcame to arrive at this moment. Growing up on the Pine Ridge Reservation, the lands of the Oglala Lakota Nation in South Dakota, Mills is surrounded by the love of his family and community. Throughout his childhood, Mills encounters racist bullies, health challenges, discrimination from institutions, as well as the loss of his mother and father. Before Mills’s father passes, he encouraged Mills to pursue his dreams. Back at the Tokyo Games, Mills keeps pace with the leaders before slipping a few spots—only to think of his father’s words, which propel him to be the first American to win a gold medal in the 10,000 meter race. Returning to the reservation for a celebration after his victory, he is given a Lakota name and makes plans to share his thanks and blessings with his community through a Traditional Giveaway ceremony. The text beautifully blends the runner’s experiences and memories with the excitement and significance of running and winning the race, perfectly complemented by Nelson’s liquid acrylic illustrations that also feature strategic use of wing and eagle imagery. Extensive back matter includes illustrator’s notes, accounts from Mills and additional facts about his life, and a list of achievements, dates, and sources. VERDICT An inspiring and detailed biography of strength in the face of adversity, and a highly recommended purchase.-Reviewed by Olivia Gorecke



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