In 2023, the number of books targeted for censorship went up 65 percent from the year before, according to American Library Association data released today. The rise was most dramatic in public libraries, which saw a 92 percent increase in challenges.
It was another record-setting year for book challenges, according to new data released by the American Library Association today.
ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom documented 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources in 2023, a 65 percent increase from 2022.
A few trends emerged from the data: The focus turned to public libraries, where challenges increased 92 percent from the year before; groups and individuals pushed for long lists of books to be banned, not individual titles; and the attack on LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals continued, as 47 of the titles targeted had BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ authors, characters, or themes.
Read the full ALA press release below.
Public Libraries Saw 92 Percent Increase In Number of Titles Targeted for Censorship Over The Previous YearCHICAGO — The number of titles targeted for censorship surged 65 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching the highest levels ever documented by the American Library Association (ALA). The new numbers released today show efforts to censor 4,240 unique book titles* in schools and libraries. This tops the previous high from 2022, when 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship. ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom documented 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources in 2023. Four key trends emerged from the data gathered from 2023 censorship reports:
“The reports from librarians and educators in the field make it clear that the organized campaigns to ban books aren’t over, and that we must all stand together to preserve our right to choose what we read,” said Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. “Each demand to ban a book is a demand to deny each person’s constitutionally protected right to choose and read books that raise important issues and lift up the voices of those who are often silenced. By joining initiatives like Unite Against Book Bans and other organizations that support libraries and schools, we can end this attack on essential community institutions and our civil liberties." ALA will unveil its highly anticipated list of the top 10 most challenged books in the U.S. on Monday, April 8, which is Right to Read Day of National Library Week, along with its full State of America's Libraries Report. "Every challenge to a library book is an attack on our freedom to read. The books being targeted again focus on LGBTQ+ and people of color. Our communities and our country are stronger because of diversity. Libraries that reflect their communities' diversity promote learning and empathy that some people want to hide or eliminate,” said ALA President Emily Drabinski. “Libraries are vital institutions to each and every community in this country, and library professionals, who have dedicated their lives to protecting our right to read, are facing threats to their employment and well-being." In response to the surge of book challenges and efforts to restrict access to information, ALA launched Unite Against Book Bans, a national initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship. The coalition will mark its second anniversary during National Library Week. For more information about ALA and its intellectual freedom efforts, visit For a breakdown for censorship challenges by state visit this heat map . * ALA compiles data on book challenges from reports filed with its Office for Intellectual Freedom by library professionals in the field and from news stories published throughout the United States. Because many book challenges are not reported to the ALA or covered by the press, the 2023 data compiled by ALA represents only a snapshot of book censorship throughout the year. A challenge to a book may be resolved in favor of retaining the book in the collection, or it can result in a book being restricted or withdrawn from the library. About the American Library Association |
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