ALA Reports Another Record Year of Book Challenges

In 2023, the number of books targeted for censorship went up 65 percent from the year before, according to American Library Association data released today. The rise was most dramatic in public libraries, which saw a 92 percent increase in challenges.

It was another record-setting year for book challenges, according to new data released by the American Library Association today.

ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom documented 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources in 2023, a 65 percent increase from 2022.

A few trends emerged from the data: The focus turned to public libraries, where challenges increased 92 percent from the year before; groups and individuals pushed for long lists of books to be banned, not individual titles; and the attack on LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals continued, as 47 of the titles targeted had BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ authors, characters, or themes.  

Read the full ALA press release below.



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