Unusual and Awesome Jobs in Sports: Pro Team Mascot, Pit Crew Member, and More

9781491420324. ea vol: 32p. (You Get Paid for THAT?). further reading. glossary. websites. Capstone. 2015. lib. ed. $27.32.
Gr 6–8—This collection illustrates the diversity of jobs while shattering stereotypes about careers in math, science, and technology. The stylish, graffiti-style design and fun fonts imbue each page with a youthful feeling. Some of the professions discussed here, such as laughter therapist and professional sleeper, are more whimsical than practical, but they will intrigue students. Others (food taster) might sound insubstantial but require specialized education and skills and are well compensated. Common Core questions at the end of each text let readers integrate new knowledge. Sidebars call attention to noteworthy information, such as the necessary skills and education for each position, as well as expected salary and schedule. Photos are rich in color and compelling, with snappy captions ("Cave divers have found the bones of extinct lizards, sloths and elephants.").
VERDICT Put this series on display—it won't stay there long.
Introductions to unusual, exciting jobs requiring a strong background in science and technology may help students appreciate practical applications for the subjects. Each book features descriptions and stats (requirements, salary range, schedule) for ten careers, from roller coaster designer and robotics engineer to animal trainer and volcanologist. Busy spreads include photos, loud graphics, and "You'd Better Believe It" boxes. Reading list. Glos., ind. Review covers the following Edge Books: You Get Paid for That? titles: Unusual and Awesome Jobs Using Technology and Unusual and Awesome Jobs Using Science.

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