Too Much Glue

illus. by Zac Retz. 32p. Flashlight. 2013. Tr $16.95. ISBN 9781936261277. LC 2013933388.
PreS-Gr 1—Is there such a thing as too much glue? Matty, the glue-obsessed narrator, is determined to find out in this quirky picture book. Despite his art teacher's warning that "Too much glue never dries," Matty makes a gluey lake for his creation. The finishing touch is to throw himself into the middle of his sticky artwork. "But when I try to pull myself off the table, I boing right back down!" His friends try various methods to free him, the nurse checks his temperature, and the principal leaves a note, but they all fail to pull him from the gluey mess. Finally, his dad, who has a similar obsession, peels him off the table and proclaims, "Matty, you're a masterpiece!" The Photoshop illustrations complement the text. The facial expressions are wonderful on both teachers and students. However, the text can feel choppy and forced at times. A supplemental purchase.—Brooke Rasche, La Crosse Public Library, WI
Matty ignores his art teacher's warning against using "too much glue" and learns when he takes a flying leap onto his project that he probably should have listened. The outlandish story revolves around efforts to extract Matty from his glue straitjacket, which ultimately becomes its own artwork. The involved illustrations do it justice; too bad Matty's voice is not convincingly childlike.

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