
Holiday House/Margaret Ferguson. May 2021. 32p. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780823447077.
K-Gr 2–What bliss! Working with what he has or what he is, a piece of toast who wants to be a dog finds a new owner who would be allergic to the real thing. It’s all but impossible to explain how Hwang’s matter-of-fact telling and simple scenes like watercolor daydreams support Toasty’s aspirations, but here it is: “Toasty knew there were some differences. Most dogs have four legs. But Toasty had two legs and two arms. Some dogs sleep in dog houses. But Toasty slept in a toaster.” All of this will have children cheering. Of course, this is the way the world works. Of course, when Toasty is chased by real dogs, he hides on a sandwich, where his about-to-be owner finds him. Her allergy-induced sneeze sends the real dogs running, she and Toasty quickly recognize how kindred they are, and there’s the happy ending! With deadpan storytelling and a nonexistent moral, somehow it all makes sense.
VERDICT Toasty’s tale is as uplifting as they come, and if Toasty wants to be a dog, we say to readers, “Stay!”

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