The Marvelous Adventures of Gwendolyn Gray

300p. Jolly Fish. May 2018. pap. $11.99. ISBN 9781631631726.
Gr 5–7—Twelve-year-old Gwendolyn is a dreamer with the misfortune of living in the City—a gray metropolis of metal, stone, and conformity. Gwendolyn's fiery red hair and wild imagination set her apart from the other inhabitants, but when her fantasies begin to physically change the world around her, Gwendolyn finds herself being followed by two faceless gentlemen intent on erasing not only her changes, but Gwendolyn herself. She flees, but with a little help from friends found along the way, she resolves to save herself, the City, and every other world as well. Gwendolyn is a well developed character: she longs for a colorful, carefree life and she works to recognize her flaws, define her own feelings, be true to herself, and make the best decisions. Williamson successfully grounds the work both in fantastical and dystopian settings, making otherworldly markets and steampunk pirates in airships fit perfectly alongside more common themes such as building lasting friendships and the first hint of romance. Complementing the plot and main character is a narrator who subverts conventional clichés through engaging asides to encourage the imagination of even reluctant readers.
VERDICT A fresh consideration of the power of imagination; hand this to kids with vivid minds of their own.

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