The Day I Became a Potato Pancake

Apples & Honey Pr. Oct. 2024. 64p. Tr $17.95. ISBN 9781681156569.
Gr 2-4–For Naomi, breaking into her mother’s secret laboratory will have giant consequences. Always curious to find out what her mom is working on, Naomi searches the lab for the Transfogram, a machine capable of making a person into the last thing they were thinking. What starts as innocent experimentation quickly spirals into a race against time when her best friend Ben accidentally transforms himself into a latke. With only six days to reverse the transformation, the duo, along with Naomi’s mother, must outsmart not only the clock but also a group of artifact-stealing aliens. While the premise is amusing, the execution falls short in several areas. The story feels rushed, relying heavily on abrupt transitions such as “The Very Next Morning” and “But the Very Next Day.” Moments of potential drama, such as Ben revealing the truth to his dad, are glossed over, missing an opportunity to build more tension or conflict in the story. Characters also lack depth, both in text and illustrations, coming across as flat and one-dimensional. The strongest element may be the layout: its simple and uncluttered panels are appropriate for younger readers. Though light and engaging, with some gentle humor sprinkled throughout, this story may disappoint readers looking for outrageous fantasy, high-octane adventure, or over-the-top silliness.
VERDICT Not recommended for purchase.

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