The Cartoon Guide to Algebra

illus. by Larry Gonick. 234p. chart. diag. index. William Morrow. 2015. pap. $18.99. ISBN 9780062202697.
Gr 6 Up—This detailed, cartoon-driven guidebook explains the essentials of algebra, easing readers into what can be an overwhelming subject. The first four chapters are spent reviewing concepts necessary for algebraic calculations: number lines, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and expressions and variables. After establishing the basics (marked by a page that proclaims, "Now let's get algebraic!"), Gonick moves on, devoting a different chapter to each different aspect of algebra, such as rates, multiple unknown variables, equations, and square roots. He incorporates explanations, examples, diagrams, charts, and illustrations when necessary, as well as practice questions. Real world applications are not limited to the "Real Wor(l)d Problems" chapter but are sometimes included in other chapters, where relevant. Cartoon illustrations not only add a touch of humor but also enhance the text by depicting the principles discussed. For instance, when explaining the distributive law, Gonnick depicts a cartoon character physically removing parentheses and lifting numbers to distribute them to all variables. An answer key for chapter practice questions is appended, as well as a very detailed index, which is an excellent resource for those looking for specific topics. Some readers may find pages that contain a lot of text a bit dense, given the cartoonlike font.
VERDICT A valuable choice for visual learners or students in need of additional instruction.

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