The Adventures of Honey & Leon

illus. by Grant Shaffer. 48p. Random. Sept. 2017. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780399557972.
PreS-Gr 2—Honey and Leon, a rescue mutt and a Chihuahua who live in New York City's East Village, are sick and tired of their dads (fictional facsimiles of actor Cumming and his husband Shaffer) traveling so much for work. Not only are they lonely but they are also unable to perform their most important doggy duty: to "guard [their dads] and keep them out of danger." So when Honey and Leon discover that their dads will be going away again, the canines decide to take action. They hurriedly pack their suitcases (with such essentials as "just-in-case treats" and "emergency treats," as well as the disguises that will keep their dads from noticing them tagging along). Adults working their way through the second (or third or fourth) reading will appreciate the witty but occasionally too cutesy dialogue. The narrative meanders and could have benefited from stronger emphasis on the moments when the dogs help their dads avert danger (foiling a luggage thief, waking a drowsy yacht captain). However, the illustrations, with a light pastel color wash for the background—reminiscent of classics such as Madeline or Babar—give the story a refreshingly soothing mood and a timeless feel.
VERDICT Like most celebrity children's books, this title breaks no literary ground, but the tale is complex enough to keep older readers' attention and sweetly silly enough to leave readers with a smile. An additional purchase.

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