Teen Guide to Managing Money

ReferencePoint. (Teen Guide To). Sept. 2024. 64p. $33.95. ISBN 9781678208226.
Gr 7 Up–Essential life skills, such as financial literacy, finding a job, and exploring personal interests are given center stage in this series. Life Skills presents a general overview of necessary aspects of “adulting” that teens should be ready for, such as purchasing car insurance, moving into their first apartment, and going to the doctor for annual visits. Managing Money breaks down important topics even further, delving into balancing a budget, investing, and debt with easy-to-understand terms. Hobbies explores how practicing leisure activities and side endeavors benefits physical, social, and mental health. Plenty of white space and bright colors add to the titles’ readability. Diagrams, charts, pull quotes, and relatable photos of teens from all identities make these volumes attractive and engaging. Back matter includes source notes, further reading, and an index.
VERDICT Practical, accessible resources for teens in need of “adulting” guidance. Purchase for all college and career readiness shelves.

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