Skin and Bones

240p. ebook available. Albert Whitman. 2014. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9780807573976. LC 2013028442.
Gr 9 Up—When Jack agrees to spend six weeks in an Eating Disorder Unit, he expects it to be a waste of time. Calling himself Bones at the insistence of his Rachael Ray—obsessed roommate Lard, Jack makes friends, falls in love, and tries to get over this whole anorexia thing. Bones and his fellow EDU residents are likable, but the hospital and support staff are too bland. The plot is well paced and develops quickly, while Bones's narration is easy to follow and initially interesting to read. His philosophizing about life, love, and weight loss, however, quickly becomes forced. Shahan offers a boarding school—like EDU ward, a joyride to locate a runaway, a mysterious love interest, and some snarky musings on love. In the end, it is unclear how or why Bones has overcome his eating disorder. This lack of clarity may leave teen readers confused and disheartened. Despite that, there are helpful resources for teens, teachers, and families at the end of the book.—Eden Rassette, Kenton County Public Library, KY
Jack, sixteen and anorexic, is the newest patient in a residential unit for teenagers with eating disorders. Jack channels the energy he usually reserves for over-exercising and hiding food into intense relationships with his stoner roommate and a troubled, secretive ballerina. Although Jack's eventual recovery feels rushed and unsubstantiated, many teens will connect with the drama of his loaded friendships.

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