Sharky McShark

Little, Brown. Jun. 2021. 32p. Tr $14.99. ISBN 9780316706872.
K-Gr 2–Following along the lines of Aesop’s story about the lion and mouse, this tale features a big blue and white shark who is the bully of the sea. With no friends and claiming that she never needed any, Sharky goes about scaring everyone away until the day when a tiny crab accidentally bumps into her. The crab begs for mercy, and reminds Sharky that one day he might return the favor. Sharky obliges and the book finishes with a predictable save and a friendship formed at the end. Brightly colored illustrations will entice younger readers and also give them a fresh glimpse of friends made in unlikely places and faces.
VERDICT A reasonable purchase for libraries needing additional anti-bullying books for younger readers.

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