Gr 8 Up—Julian "Bean" Delphiki's story continues in this thrilling installment of Card's acclaimed sci-fi saga. More than four centuries have passed since Earth's scientists first activated Anton's Key, a double-edged genetic mutation granting both hyperintelligence and a painfully fatal form of gigantism. On Earth, the once-desperate quest for a cure has been forgotten. Hurtling through space at light speed, Bean and his three infected children still seek a solution. They find it aboard an abandoned Formic colony ship. In studying a mysterious plague that appeared to have killed the ship's previous inhabitants, the children believe they've discovered how to alter their own cellular structure so as to keep their intelligence while doing away with the more undesirable side effects of Anton Syndrome. Only time will tell if their experiment will be successful. Card's storytelling and world-building are fantastic, and fans of the series will surely be pleased. However, the story is complex and only minimal background is provided. Familiarity with the previous books is required to appreciate the intricacies of this one.—
Alissa J. LeMerise, Oxford Public Library, MI
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