Rise of the Black Pharaohs

55 min. Dist. by PBS. 2014. $24.99. ISBN 9781627891851.
Gr 7 Up—A convergence of history, archaeology, and new technology tells the largely forgotten tale of the Kushites, black Africans from Sudan, then called Kush, who traded with ancient Egypt. Around 1500 BC, Egypt invaded and occupied Kush for 300 years, and the Kushites assimilated and accepted the Egyptian religion. Centuries later, Egypt became politically chaotic, and the Kushites were called upon to rescue Egypt from invading Assyrians. Thus, the 25th dynasty was led by black pharaohs, Piankhy and his brother Shabaka, both reputed to be strong and merciful leaders. This National Geographic Society coproduction explores this history with reenactments, some of which have a lot of bloodletting in silhouette. Archaeologists share some of the science behind their work, including the use of motorized robots that explore burial mounds. Narrator Kevin Collins has a smooth and pleasant voice, and the narrative is easy to follow despite switching from past to present-day throughout.
VERDICT Given that prejudice and revenge erased most of the Kushite history and information about the 25th dynasty, this program provides an excellent introduction, with many absorbing visuals.

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