K-Gr 2–In this latest installment in the kid-friendly series, a tiny girl named Poppy and her panda friend Sam live in a garden and make plans to hibernate as fall turns to winter. But as hard as she tries, Poppy can’t fall asleep. She seeks advice from their garden neighbors. Unfortunately, their suggestions aren’t helpful. Counting pots of honey and drinking warm fly milk aren’t appealing. The ants tell Poppy and Sam to read a good book at bedtime, but the insects have already taken all of the exciting books, leaving the pair with only the dictionary. But Poppy and Sam keep trying, until they find a way they can both fall asleep. Cathon’s artwork features warm fall colors and earth tones, as well as cute cartoon-style characters with plenty of reader appeal. The story is just as sweet, whimsical, and simple as ever.
VERDICT Sure to delight children looking for a cozy adventure, as well as fans of the series.
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