K-Gr 2—This charming series follows the life of Mr. Badger and his three youngsters, Bristle, Berry, and Grub, as they start a new life with Mrs. Fox and her daughter, Ginger. In this installment, the animals are noticing more and more differences between them as they head into winter. Ginger teases the young badgers about eating constantly, not knowing that it's necessary for them to do so to survive the colder temperatures. In turn, Ginger herself is looking bigger because she, as all foxes do, is growing a thicker coat of fur. Ginger doesn't understand that the badgers need a lot of sleep during the dreary months and constantly pesters her stepbrother Grub to play, play, play. He is grouchy and just wants some peace and quiet. Mrs. Fox gently explains to her daughter that she can't force the badger kids to be just like her. "Everyone marches to his own beat!" she wisely advises. In better spirits, Ginger helps her mother prepare a fun surprise for when they wake up from their lengthy nap. The expressive illustrations show the moments of frustration and squabbling among the stepsiblings as well as the joy of being together. Background scenes reflect the changing seasons as rusts turn to winter white. This graphic novel is perfect for all young readers, but especially those who might be dealing with their own blended-family situation. Readers learn there will be hard times adjusting to the changes but that they can still be part of a loving family unit.—Carol Hirsche, Provo City Library, UT
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