Original Fake

illus. by E. Eero Johnson. 352p. ebook available. Putnam. Apr. 2016. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780399173264.
Gr 10 Up—Frankie feels like a lesser player in his quirky family of performers, so he jumps at the chance to join the crew of legendary street artist Uncle Epic. Thrilled with being a scofflaw and with the attentions of fellow crew member Rory, Frankie's desire to create pure art threatens his relationships with his family. There are many stories of teens losing perspective in the throes of first love but few where that love is of the freedom of artistic expression. The world of street art may not ring true, but Frankie's passion for it does, even as it blinds him to realizations readers will see signposted some ways off. Short bursts of sequential illustration render key emotional moments and provide visuals of the fictitious art with a reductive effect, making them less dramatic than if imagined. Which is a pity, as they and the characters are funny and crude—some shouted insults and sculptures are particularly anatomical—and should be given free rein to flourish.
VERDICT An attempt to inject graphic novel stylings into an identity narrative comes off as a bit pat and conventional, especially when in a narrative about anticommercial individuality.

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