On the Move: Mass Migrations

978-1-60718-616-8. ea vol: 32p. websites. Sylvan Dell. 2013. Tr $17.95; pap. $9.95; ebook $9.99.
K-Gr 3—Cohn uses captivating, easy-to-understand language to explore animal migration. Each entry introduces a different animal's habitat and eating, hibernating, and breeding behaviors. Children will enjoy the passages on well-known creatures, such as snakes and salamanders, in addition to those on the lesser-known chimney swifts. The section on salamanders is reminiscent of Sarah Marwil Lamstein's Big Night for Salamanders (Boyds Mills, 2010). Detwiler's vibrant, full-page illustrations bring Cohn's text to life, placing kids in the center of each environment. Written in clear, lively prose, Nature Recycles is an ideal book to introduce recycling. By showcasing the various methods animals use to repurpose materials in their natural habitats, Lord provides examples of recycling that will inspire youngsters to creatively reuse their own objects. For example, readers learn that poison dart frogs reuse bromeliad plant leaves and nut pods from the rainforest as cradles for their young. Morrison's full-page illustrations are bright and appealing, with accurate depictions of the ingenious ways creatures use found materials. Back matter offers downloadable activities, questions, trivia, and lists of facts. Wonderful additions to public or school libraries.—Anne Barreca, New York Public Library

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