Gr 9 Up–Two teens are pursued while driving on remote stretch of the Pacific Northwest in this propulsive thriller. Brooke, daughter of a prominent family (her dad is up for a judgeship, her mother is her private school principal), is determined to live up to the family name and go to Yale. She also wants to leave behind the "incident" at the start of the school year, when her former friend Claire died, and the creepy calls and other harassment that have plagued her since. Now, following a party months later, she and her best friend Jena are in a high-speed chase in a cell service dead zone; right before that, a disembodied robotic voice taunted Brooke by phone, demanding she tell the truth of what really happened to Claire—or die. The book alternates between the tense present-day car scenes (followed by a harrowing foot chase) and the events of the party that led up to Claire’s death. Chaos and lies abound and readers are unsure who to trust as Lally explores wealth, privilege, family pressure, and toxic friends via a thrilling narrative peppered with some violence and f-bombs. Pages fly by and secrets are revealed in both time periods; readers will love being along for the ride. Brooke cues white and Jena is Black.
VERDICT Highly enjoyable and highly recommended. In her second thriller, Lally continues to prove herself one to watch in the genre.
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