My Stinky Dog

32p. Abrams. Jun. 2018. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9781419728235.
PreS-Gr 1—Alfred the dog has many appealing qualities, but there's one little catch that makes life with Alfred less than ideal—he stinks! A thorough bubble bath transforms him so completely that he starts wearing boots and a raincoat to avoid mud and puddles, and he brushes his teeth after every dog treat. The little boy who loves him misses the old Alfred so much that he helps him return to his old stinky ways. Ultimately, he discovers that "everything is perfect in its own smelly way," which makes stinky Alfred perfect in his own right. Roussey's sketchy, unconventional illustrations convey this dog's defects with their own apparent imperfections. On almost every page, for instance, Alfred is surrounded by scribbles; first green ones for how much he reeks, then big pink ones for when he is given a bubble bath. Alfred is likable in a goofy kind of way, but appears far more sloppy than stinky. His transformation from dirty to clean is not remarkable enough to be noteworthy, and he hardly "sparkles" or "shines," as is noted in the text. Readers may wonder what makes this dog so beloved if his boy cannot hug or play with him due to his smell. The concept of loving a friend and/or pet with its quirks and flaws is duly noted, but could be conveyed in a more convincing manner.
VERDICT This book contains a marvelous message of acceptance and love; however, it lacks in execution. Consider where needed.

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