Hanukkah Pajamakkahs

Sourcebooks/Jabberwocky. Sept. 2024. 40p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781728284576.
PreS-Gr 3–On the first night of Hanukkah, rosy-cheeked Ruthie opens her present and is delighted to find a pair of Hanukkah-themed pajamas, or “Pajamakkahs!” Against the wishes of her parents, Ruthie decides she wants to wear her pajamas for eight days straight, as long as they don’t get stained before the Hanukkah Pajamakkah party. “Just make sure you keep them spotless for the party,” Ruthie’s mom advises her. Ruthie thinks, “If the oil could last 8 nights, so could her Hanukkah pajamakkahs!” Over the course of the night, and then the following seven days, Ruthie’s pajamakkahs meet “Kersplat!” and “Drip!” and “Crinkle!”—and more. Henry excites readers to see what happens next while Ruthie attempts to remain spotless for the duration of the holiday. The Ivanovs’ effective depiction of crashes and splashes enhance the story as the miracle of Ruthie’s untidy Hanukkah Pajamakkahs unfolds.
VERDICT A fun title spotlighting Hanukkah.

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