Gr 7–10—This second book in the series follows Sean and Eddy as they embark on their education with the Order, a powerful magical organization that oversees H.P. Lovecraft's fictional town of Arkham, MA. When Sean shows up to begin his training, however, he is disheartened to find that while the new student Daniel will begin working under the top magician, Sean will have to wait before being assigned a mentor. The three students form an immediate bond, with Eddy and Daniel even starting a romance, creating a friendship story set inside a magical school. Teens will identify with the angst the three characters feel at the perceived unfairness from authority figures, and Salinger enthusiasts will appreciate the
Franny and Zooey references. While the multifaceted characters are neither all good nor all evil, there is a lot of exposition to wade through, which sometimes slows the pace of an otherwise engaging story. Readers who enjoy series like Cassandra Clare and Holly Black's "Magisterium" (Scholastic) or John Flanagan's "The Ranger's Apprentice" (Penguin) will find plenty to delight in here.
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