El Pez Arcoíris

Ediciones NorteSur. (Rainbow Fish). Apr. 2025. 32p. tr. from English by David Bowles . Tr $19.95. ISBN 9780735845725. SP.
K-Gr 3–The perennial story of the Rainbow Fish, with his beautiful shiny scales, is retold in Spanish for the first time. Because of his lovely scales, El Pez Arcoíris is known as the most beautiful fish in the ocean. When a little blue fish asks if he can have one of the scales, El Pez Arcoíris shoos him away. When none of the other fish want to play with him, he seeks advice from a wise octopus, who recommends he share his shining scales. Reluctant, El Pez Arcoíris is sure he can’t. How can he be happy without his scales? When he next sees the little blue fish, he decides to give him a small scale. The little blue fish’s reaction makes El Pez Arcoíris feel something very special inside. As he begins to share his scales, this feeling grows. Left with only one scale, El Pez Arcoíris comes to understand what the wise octopus meant. The Spanish translation flows smoothly and pairs perfectly with the well-known illustrations. Spanish readers will enjoy this title and will have much to enjoy in the illustrations as they discuss the story of this famous little fish.
VERDICT A lovely translation of the classroom staple, this title is a solid choice for Spanish-language collections.

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