Depression Autism Spectrum Disorders AIDS

Gr 8 Up—These books serve as solid report fodder, with some interesting sidelights from the USA Today team. Each volume has an introduction, a description of the condition, chapters on what it is like to live with it, and material on research and treatments. A healthy smattering of statistics and personal stories appear throughout, as well as some fictionalized scenarios that are a bit less helpful. The volumes are colorful with shaded sidebars and a few well-chosen photos. Even though they are similar to other health series, such as the "Science of Health: Youth and Well-Being" (Mason Crest), these titles are not an exact match. Solid additions for libraries in need of fresh looks at these diseases and disorders.—Robin Henry, Wakeland High School, Frisco, TX
In each volume, six or seven chapters cover the basics of each illness or disorder: definition, symptoms, treatment, and research. The scientific writing is serviceable; personal stories plus articles, interviews, graphs, and other archival material from USA Today provide real-life context. Accompanying photos are generic, but the photo-micrographs are clear and specific. Reading list, websites. Bib., glos., ind. Review covers these USA Today Health Reports: Diseases and Disorders titles: Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and AIDS.

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