Deception's Princess

368p. Random House. Apr. 2014. Tr $17.99. ISBN 9780449818633; lib. ed. $20.99. ISBN 9780449818640; ebk. $10.99. ISBN 9780449818657. LC 2013002948.
Gr 5 Up—In the continuation of her "Princesses of Myth" series (Random House), Friesner has entered new ground taking on the legendary Queen Maeve, best known for her role in the Irish epic "The Cattle Raid of Cooley." This new Maeve is not the vain, competitive, and possessive queen of lore, but instead a clever, spirited, and compassionate princess. As the youngest daughter to the High King of the cherished land of Connacht, readers meet five-year-old Maeve when she makes her claim to a herd of cattle by cutting off a portion of the tail of her father's prize and fearsome bull. The tale, which is a lauded by bards for years to come, paints a different picture of Maeve than how she sees herself as she grows into her teenage years as princess and potential heir of the kingdom. Though not high fantasy, fans of Disney's Brave will be delighted to explore the Celtic landscape with another determined, redheaded princess through similar struggles of maintaining control over her destiny, and being more than a prize to be married off to the highest bidder. Chaste romance and royal life makes this a fun tween and early teen novel, but it is especially appropriate for kids that aren't partial to an action-driven plot. Readers may also be disappointed as budding relationships aren't completely resolved, but that along with other loose ends, leaves the door open for an expected sequel.—Danielle Jones, Multnomah County Library, OR
Maeve, youngest daughter of the High King of Èriu (first-century Ireland), chafes at her lack of influence and her destiny as a prize bride to be awarded to a political ally. A young druid who rescues injured wildlife offers her friendship. Maeve's musings on freedom, her diplomatic banter with suitors, and grounded historical details make this entertaining princess tale stand out.

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