Dandan’s Dream

Reycraft. Sept. 2020. 40p. Tr $17.95. ISBN 9781478868538.
K-Gr 2–Dandan, with a rosy tan complexion and stick-straight black hair, is excited to discover that in addition to letters, the post office now mails children. For many nights, she has dreamed of being able to see her father who has been studying icebergs in the South Pole. The postal worker gives her a stack of colorful stamps, each with tiny green wings, and advises her to stick them on her clothes. When she does, Dandan finds herself astride a magical blue horse flying over mountains, prairies, and seas. On the way, she rescues a ship, and must use her own watercolors to complete her journey and make her dream come true. The joy of Gong’s vibrantly colorful illustrations provide layers of dreamlike elements to pore over.
VERDICT Zhu’s message may be that love conquers distance or the post office endures, but it doesn’t matter; children will love Dandan’s fantastical journey. For larger collections.

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