Circo de pulgas

K-Gr 2—With the sound of "Titotirotiroritotiro" begins the biggest littlest show on earth. "No, it's not Ringling Brothers coming to town but the Flea Circus!" Readers are prompted to meet an array of very special fleas who decide to launch a circus. These insects have big personalities in order to wow the crowds of admirers and captivate readers. Children will get a peek into some amazing talents, such as beautiful Anuska defying gravity as she balances on a tightrope, or Mariusz the Herculean who is able to pull a bicycle filled with fleas with his mouth. They will also meet the courageous León as he tames a wild English bulldog. And these are just some of the feats that these performers exhibit. Carretero's engaging story is fully supported through her detailed, humorous, and imaginative cartoons. Children will see that big talent can come from the smallest of figures; that size is no impediment to what they can do. To meet the rest of the cast, they need only to open the pages of this book and transport themselves into a world filled with these magical fleas.—Verónica Corral, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, NC

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