Between the Pipes

Highwater. Sept. 2024. 56p. pap. $18.95. ISBN 9781774921043.
Gr 7 Up–Indigenous teen Chase is constantly confronted with the toxic masculinity and homophobia of his classmates. If he fails to block a goal during hockey practice, he is told to “man up, limp wrist” or stop “playing like a girl.” Chase is teased about his friendship with Kevin, who his teammates jokingly call his boyfriend, and faces pressure to prove he’s straight by pursuing his friend, Jade. These stifling expectations make Chase feel like he’s following a script rather than living his own life. After his patient and supportive grandmother connects him with a Two-Spirit Elder, Eddi, and a Two-Spirit filmmaker, Dot, Chase gains the confidence and courage he needs to come out as gay and claim his identity on and off the rink. The characters’ facial expressions strongly capture their emotions, and the brightly colored artwork shifts to deep pinks, blues, and purples to indicate dream sequences. While the graphic novel’s short length occasionally makes the story feel disjointed and the character development rushed, this hopeful and affirming story offers valuable insight into Chase’s experience as a gay, Indigenous teen. The story is authored in part by McLeod, who has been fundamental to the recognition of the name “Two Spirit.”
VERDICT Hockey and identity collide in this affirming graphic novel about recognizing and valuing one’s authentic self.

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