Anteaters, Bats & Boas: The Amazon Rainforest from the Forest Floor to the Treetops

Holiday House. Aug. 2021. 32p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780823446568.
Gr 3-5–Tropical rainforests, like the Amazon in South America, contain a vast array of species ranging from tiny ants to large primates. Each of the four layers of the Amazon rainforest is home to innumerable creatures—some of which have yet to be discovered. However, due to rapid deforestation by humans to make way for farming and industry, the Earth risks losing the vital, life-giving support provided by this rich landscape. Vivid, ink-based illustrations depict a handful of the animals and plants that call the Amazon rainforest home. Each page features one to three animals, all drawn true-to-size. Readers must search the images for the creatures introduced in the text and will be captivated by the myriad hues and intricate detail used in each one. To make room for the anteater, two pages fold out, immersing readers even more deeply into this multifaceted world. Paragraphs of accessible text give readers a wealth of facts about each animal in the book, the names of which stand out in colorful, bold letters. Potentially unfamiliar words are italicized within the text and are defined at the end of the book. Accompanying traditional nonfiction back matter is a detailed description of the four layers of a tropical rainforest, a coloring page that combines the illustrations in the book, and a note about the unequivocal need for the conservation of rainforests around the world.
VERDICT This is an important addition to elementary school nonfiction collections as a means of encouraging global conservation through education.

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