Abraham Lincoln's Presidency

9781467779258. ea vol: 108p. (Presidential Powerhouses). bibliog. chron. ebook available. further reading. glossary. index. notes. photos. websites. Lerner. Aug. 2016. lib. ed. $35.99.
Gr 8 Up—These titles effectively encapsulate the lives of men whose reputations are so nearly mythic as to make most of them recognizable by their last names only. The authors include episodes that are at odds with the lionized reputations, but add an emotional and psychological dimension. For instance, the hotheaded, occasionally violent Andrew Jackson was deeply committed to his tender, sweet wife Rachel Donelson Robards, and the outdoorsy, boisterous Theodore Roosevelt was grief-stricken to the point of despondency when his first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee, died at the age of 22. The illustrations are well-curated and excellently reproduced. The sepia-toned stars and stripes motif in the borders and backgrounds complements the presidential subject matter.
Through these four significant presidencies, the continuing series examines milestones in America's history including the Louisiana Purchase, American Indian removal, the Civil War, and the dawn of the Progressive Era. Each president's early life, administration milestones, and ultimate legacy are discussed in detailed chapters filled with maps and period photos or illustrations. Reading list, timeline, websites. Bib., glos., ind. Review covers the following Presidential Powerhouses titles: Abraham Lincoln's Presidency, Thomas Jefferson's Presidency, Theodore Roosevelt's Presidency, and Andrew Jackson's Presidency.

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