Comfort Zone | An original comic by Gene Luen Yang

An early lesson in empathy inspired Gene Luen Yang. In an original comic for School Library Journal, the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature depicts the inspiration for his Reading Without Walls program.

An early lesson in empathy inspired Gene Luen Yang. In an original comic for School Library Journal, the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature depicts the inspiration for his Reading Without Walls program, which challenges readers to read beyond their comfort zone.

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EH160105_GeneYangGene Luen Yang is the author of American Born Chinese, the first graphic novel to be nominated for a National Book Award and the first to win the Printz Award. His 2013 two-volume graphic novel Boxers & Saints was nominated for a National Book Award.
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Carol Gibson

Such a helpful graphic! The message applies to all ages and circumstances. Hope a lot of English teachers use it in the classroom.

Posted : Mar 24, 2017 07:49



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