Unable to accept that her best friend Franny drowned, Suzy determines to find a rational, scientific explanation for this devastating loss. She sets her mind on the deadly Irukandji jellyfish and contacts a scientist on the other side of the world to help prove her theory. Through flashbacks, readers learn about the last few months of Suzy’s relationship with Franny and the overwhelming guilt she cannot face. A potent exploration of grief and resilience.
Unable to accept that her best friend Franny drowned, Suzy determines to find a rational, scientific explanation for this devastating loss. She sets her mind on the deadly Irukandji jellyfish and contacts a scientist on the other side of the world to help prove her theory. Through flashbacks, readers learn about the last few months of Suzy’s relationship with Franny and the overwhelming guilt she cannot face. A potent exploration of grief and resilience.
SLJ Review Good Grief: Three Middle Grade Books that Explore Death and Loss
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