Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart | SLJ Review

redstarLOCKHART, E. Genuine Fraud. 272p. Delacorte. Sept. 2017. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9780385744775.

Gr 9 Up –Jule West Williams is at a fancy resort in Mexico. Someone is looking for her, but she can do a pretty stellar job of taking care of herself, paying a bartender to smuggle her out in his car, then fighting back when he tries to extort more money. That’s where Lockhart’s latest novel begins. Jule was recently in London. Her best friend, Imogen Sokoloff, is dead. There’s a guy Jule likes but can’t have. Jule steals wallets in Las Vegas, NV. The teen likes how strong she feels when she defends herself. Jule was in San Francisco. She has had just about enough of Immie’s friends from Vassar. Jule was in Puerto Rico. The protagonist has a prodigious talent for memorization. Jule was staying at Immie’s house in Martha’s Vineyard. She was in New York. Jule is, above all else, a survivor. The narrative moves backward in time, constantly forcing readers to adjust their opinions of the characters and events and realign them in light of new information. While those familiar with The Talented Mr. Ripley may have a good idea of Lockhart’s ultimate destination, they’ll still enjoy the trip. The book rewards rereading, as initially inconsequential details shine brightly when you can see the whole picture. VERDICT An excellent choice recommended for teens and adults who love twisty mysteries, stories about class conflict, and tough-as-nails teen girls.–Stephanie Klose, School Library Journal

This review was published in the School Library Journal June 2017 issue.


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