Photo by Sara Essex Bradley
Tom Cooper’s debut novel about what happens to a marshy town near New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill will resonate with environment-conscious teens this upcoming Earth Day (April 22). Featuring 17-year-old Wes Trench, among a vast cast of unique characters, The Marauders (Crown, 2015) has been hailed by Library Journal as "Self-assured and highly entertaining...Cooper’s writing is taut, his story is gripping, and the characters and their problems will stay with you long after you finish this book." Adult Books 4 Teens reviewer and librarian Diane Colson caught up with Cooper to discuss his writing process, inspiration, and future projects. Thank you so much, Tom, for bringing these most singular characters to life. And the setting is so intimately portrayed, such as in this description near the beginning, “They were plunged in dark, moonlight banded across the water, the only sounds the insects and frogs singing in full chorus, the soft slap of waves against the hull.” Have you experienced this yourself? Most of the book is the result of many revisions and edits. You’d probably think I was a caveman if you read some of my early drafts. Certainly you would think me delusional to be wasting a perfectly good piece of paper. On the other hand, I have a deep love of the Gulf and tried to preserve some bit of nature, a dying bit of nature, in prose. I’ve always admired most the authors who are craftspeople with their prose. Young people may have heard about the BP oil spill of 2010, but The Marauders reveals how deeply the area was damaged. You show this without going into lengthy exposition on the accident itself, allowing the characters to describe their own experiences and observations. Did you do any research into the effects of the oil spill to construct these scenes? I did a bunch of research. Books, movies, news articles, but mainly footwork. Many of my college students at the time were born and raised in bayou and they’d tell me many stories. But I myself have never been a shrimper, or trawler, as they call them here. I wouldn’t last 30 seconds. I’d end up in a hospital room, in traction. Aside from talking with my students, I’ve made many local acquaintances who tell me stories everyday. The story explored in The Marauders is still going on. People signed ridiculous settlements because they had no choice. They would have starved. But a $5,000 check will only get you so far if your whole livelihood has vanished. Perhaps one of the most magical elements of your book is the characterization. At face value, Lindquist, for example, is little more than a drug-addled old coot. By the end of the novel, he is actually dear to readers. Are any of your characters based on real people? No, they aren’t. But there are little reflections of people I know. It’s a bit like building Frankenstein. Sometimes there’s a little bit of me too, of course. My close friends have told me, “Oh, that joke there. That’s pure Tom.” So, there are some inside jokes in the novel. You’ve got to get your kicks somehow, right?We are currently offering this content for free. Sign up now to activate your personal profile, where you can save articles for future viewing