A Short and Silly Interview Between James Dashner and Aprilynne Pike

What happens when you let two YA authors interview each other? The result is hilarious, especially when it's Aprilynne Pike and James Dashner
James Dashner: So, you have a brand new book out in July—it's the beginning of a new series. Aprilynne Pike: Well, hello James. Nice to see you too. Why yes, I am looking lovely today. JD: Oh, are we supposed to do hellos and stuff in this? AP: Yes. JD: Hello then. AP: Weren't we talking about my new book? JD: You're impossible. AP: I know. JD: Okay, so, Earthbound. What's it about? AP: It's about Tavia, the sole survivor of a plane crash who can make stuff. JD: Like . . . crafts? I love crafts! Does she make those cool glass bead necklaces? I have this one I wear to bed that— AP: No, James. Not like crafts. Like matter out of thin air. She's a goddess. But cursed. JD: Oh. Yeah. Well, I hate crafts. AP: … JD: Don’t look at me like that. You put two guys in your book after promising you wouldn't, didn’t you? AP: It was an accident! Seriously! JD: Sure it was. But the important question is, are there any Grievers? AP: No, that's your book. JD: How about mazes? AP: Your book again. JD: How about a movie coming out on Valentine's Day next year? AP: Still your book. JD: Oh, yeah . . . How about guns? AP: Some of those. JD: Explosions? AP: Those too. JD: Dead people? AP: I'm afraid so. JD: Sounds like my kind of book! AP: No. JD: No? AP: No. Too much kissing. JD: Gross. AP: How many kids do you have? JD: Don't change the subject.

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